Upcoming: Annual Meeting
Our much-delayed 2020 Annual Membership Meeting is coming up! Get updates from the MFC board and hear about our plans for the coming year. The meeting is open to the public and will start with a quick round of trivia – play for a chance at some free merchandise! For MFC members, this meeting will also kick off member voting.
- Saturday, December 5, 2020
- (Remote) Zoom
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83421442074
- Call In Number: 253-215-8782
- Meeting ID: 834-2144-2074
Upcoming: Monthly Board Meeting
Our next board meeting is Tuesday, December 1, 6:30-8pm on Zoom. MFC events are posted here and minutes from past meetings can be found here.
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81473056941?pwd=UkZNWWtpMUpOUVpQbjFxeHltMVpWdz09
- Meeting ID: 814-7305-6941
- Passcode: 586-478
People’s Panel
As part of People’s Co-Op Annual Meeting (and 50th Anniversary!), Chris and Courtney participated in a panel that also featured People’s, Our Table, and Hillsboro Co-op. Thank you People’s for providing this great opportunity to hear and share with other local co-ops!
Recent Poll Results
Thank you for all the respondents to our latest poll. As a reminder we asked you all to tell us how often you used various grocery methods before and after covid. We took that information and ran it through our number cruncher to help us understand how our community’s behavior is changing during this pandemic.
Before the pandemic the most often used method for getting our groceries was in person, which averaged at multiple times a week. All other methods came in second at a few times a month.
After the start of the pandemic we saw a shift in behaviour from less in person shopping to more online shopping (either delivered or for pickup).
In person shopping saw a net decrease of a little over one category (e.g. from 1 /week down to 2-3 /month) with online methods absorbing those changes.
Now the question is whether we will see this shift persist post covid? Please stay tuned for more survey questions in the months to come as we try and understand how this all affects our community. And if you have any questions, stories and/or feedback about our survey feel free to drop us an email.
MFC Value Proposition
One of the board’s tasks is to develop and refine a value proposition and business case to increase buy-in from lenders and other stakeholders. In November, co-op aficionado Collin Ferguson facilitated a discussion on co-op models and Strategyzer’s Value Proposition Canvas. Thank you Collin for your passion and knowledge!